Borehole Logging systems

LIL 2D Logging System

LIL 2D Logging SystemLIL 2D is a digital logging system specially designed for the convenience of field work, which can connect with various kinds of pipe and log. Usinga series of advanced technology, the systemimproves the use of one ground-based instrument controlling one heavy loggin

LTL-40GX Fiber-Optic Gyroscopes(FOG) Inclinometer--Directional Drilling Probe

DescriptionTheadvantagesofFiber-OpticGyroscope(FOG)applyingindeviationloggingwereanalyzed,andaFOGassemblyforinclinometerinwellloggingwasresearched. We developedth

LSS-3 Sonic Probe

DescriptionTheJSS-3SonicProbeused extensively in the groundwater, mining, and geotechnical industries. Sonic logs are widely employed, often in combination with other logs, to provide porosity, permeability, and geo-mechanical properties. This probe is ideal for cased-hole an

LJY-3D 3-Arm Caliper

DescriptionThe 3-Arm Caliper Probe records a single continuous borehole diameter log by means of three mechanically coupled arms in contact with the borehole wall.Also equipped with liquid level detection electrode, Measure the depth of the liquid level in the borehole.Liquid level depth and caliper

LZZ-1 Compensated Neutron Probe

DescriptionNeutron Probe utilizes a He-3 thermal neutron detector. It measures Neutron porosity in counts per second, which can be directly related to the porosity of the formation. The probe has been carefully designed to maximize the detector sensitivity so that good results can be achieved with s

LW-238 Temperature Probe

DescriptionThe Temperature Probe provides borehole temperature measurements. The borehole temperature measurement is helpful to detect anomalies caused by events such as fluid flow into the borehole.It is generally used in hydrogeology to determine the concentration of dissolved ions in the aquifers